Music’s in the Air

Use the writing prompt below to inspire you.

On your way to work, you hear music playing, even though your car radio is turned off. You’re not sure where it’s coming from, but you continue to hear it when you get to the office. When you open your mouth to greet your coworkers, you sing your greeting to them. No matter how hard you try, you can’t stop singing–and suddenly, you start dancing too. What’s going on? How do your coworkers react? And how do you stop?

The Crab

Use the following writing prompt to inspire you.

You and your significant other take a trip to the beach. Each morning, you wake up hearing a beautiful song, but you have yet to find the source. The last morning of your trip, you wake up early, determined to find out where the song is coming from. You walk down the beach and stumble upon a crab singing his heart out. What is happening? And what do you do?

The Song

Use the writing prompt below to inspire you.

Music can evoke many emotions, and hearing a song on the radio can take you back to a time or place when you heard that song for the first time. Maybe it’s the song you heard on your first date or right after a breakup. Name a song that you associate with a particular time in your life, and describe the time, place, and emotions you feel when you hear it.