The Family

Use the writing prompt below to inspire you.

You and your family live on a farm. It’s a freezing cold night, so you go to the barn to check on the livestock. When you open the door, you see a family of four huddled in the corner, trying to stay warm. What do you do?

The Bad Habit

Use the writing prompt below to inspire you.

Think about one of your bad habits. Write a scene in which your character has this same habit, but worse, and this bad habit gets them into trouble.

The House

Use the writing prompt below to inspire you.

You’ve recently inherited a house from a great-aunt you met only once. The house is up in the mountains in another state, but you’ve recently lost your job, so you drive to see the house. What do you find? And what do you decide to do with the house?

The Storm

Use the writing prompt below to inspire you.

A security system salesperson stops by your house and catches you in your yard. You send the salesperson away, but before he drives away, you hear the storm sirens and see a tornado bearing down on you. Write a scene where you share your storm shelter with this salesperson. Does he try to make the sale? Or is he too afraid of the storm?

The Picture Frame

Use the writing prompt below to inspire you.

You buy a beautiful old picture frame from an antique shop. There’s an old photo still in it, and after you get home, you take the photo out and find a name, date, and location on the back of the photo. Write a scene in which you try to track down the person in the photo.