The Runaway Dog

Use the following writing prompt to inspire you.

Write from the point of view of a dog who has escaped from his home and is trying to find his way back. What do you see, and whom do you meet along the way?

The Walk

Use the following writing prompt to inspire you to write a scene.

You take your dog for a walk, and about halfway through, your phone dings with a text message: “I’m watching you.” You look around, but the only person you see is a woman going in the opposite direction from you. You continue on your way, but feel uneasy. Your phone dings with another message: “Don’t look behind you.” Who is following you? And what do you do?

The Thunderstorm

Use the writing prompt below to write a scene using auditory (sound) imagery and thermal (sense of hot and cold) imagery.

You take your dog for a walk in the woods near your home. You have gone only a short way when the wind picks up and your dog starts to whine. You feel a few drops of rain. Before you can turn to leave, the sky opens up and begins to pour. What do you do?