Developing a Setting

Today’s writing prompt focuses on creating a setting for your story. Setting consists of more than just a location–it also includes mood and time period. Develop a setting that includes all these elements. Ask yourself where the story takes place, during which time period, and what mood you want to convey.

Developing a New Character

Today’s writing prompt focuses on creating a new character. Think of a real person you would like to write about. This could be a family member or friend, a historical figure, yourself, or even an animal. How would you describe this character to someone else?

The Object

Today’s writing prompt will focus on the use of imagery.

Choose an animal that you love, and describe it without calling it by name. Can you write in such a way that the reader knows which animal you’re writing about?

My Favorite Animal

Use the following writing prompt to inspire you.

We all have animals we connect with and that we like more than others. Write about the animal you feel drawn to and focus on using imagery to describe it. Why do you feel such a connection to this animal?

The Secret Hiding Place

Use the following writing prompt to write a scene.

Did you have a favorite hiding place when you were a child? Describe it from a child’s perspective. Where was it? What did you keep in there? What sounds did you hear in there?