Back to School

Use the writing prompt below to inspire you.

It’s time to go back to school! This year, you are a high school senior. On the first day of school, one of your friends approaches you with a plan that involves glue, lemons, and the school mascot. What does he want to do with these items?

The Blind Date

Use the following writing prompt to inspire you to write a scene.

Your best friend has set you up on a blind date with one of her old friends. Your date texts you to set up the location, and you agree to meet at a local restaurant. Because you looked him up on social media, you know what he looks like as well as a few of his interests. So you’re surprised when he walks into the restaurant. What has surprised you about him?

Church Camp

Use the writing prompt below to write a scene.

You and your friends have gone to church camp for the week. One morning, you are on your own, so you decide to hike through the woods to a nearby stream. After spending a few moments by the water, you hear something behind you. What – or who – is it? What does it want? And what do you do?

The Birthday Party

Use the writing prompt below to write a scene.

Your best friend’s 30th birthday is quickly approaching, and you’re in charge of the party. What do you do to celebrate this milestone event?