War Stories

In the U.S., we observe Memorial Day each year on the last Monday of May. This holiday honors those who have died serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Use the following writing prompt inspired by Memorial Day.

You are a young soldier called up to serve in Vietnam, and you’re preparing to go to boot camp. What are you thinking? How do you feel? Are you leaving family behind who will worry about you?

The Ant and the Picnic

Use the writing prompt below to inspire you.

Write about a picnic from the point of view of an ant. What do you see? What do you hear? Do you carry off any of the food items? How do you get away with it?

New Writing Prompts Each Week!

At Prestige Prose, we write original writing prompts and post them each week. This week, I want to take a moment to invite you to sign up to have those writing prompts delivered directly to your inbox. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter @PrestigeProse and Instagram @sdmauney.

For more inspiration, check out our archives of writing prompts. We have prompts for every genre, so you’re sure to find something to spark your imagination. If you have an idea for a type of writing prompt you’d like to see, leave us a comment.