The Tour

Use the writing prompt below to inspire you.

Some friends from out of town come to visit you. They’ve never seen your city before, so you agree to show them around. Where do you take them?

Life After COVID-19

Our world changed quickly as the COVID-19 outbreak spread. Use this week’s writing prompt to focus on the future.

What is one good thing that happened during the COVID-19 pandemic that you hope will continue even after things return to normal?

Quarantine Edition

Here in the U.S., we’re continuing to practice social distancing to control the spread of COVID-19. Many countries around the world are doing or have recently done the same. During this time, it’s important to document events, thoughts, and feelings for future generations. Today’s writing prompt is to help you do that.

What is one positive thing that has come from this time of social distancing that you would like to remember?

Holy Week Celebration

Use the following writing prompt to inspire you.

This week, Christians around the world celebrate Holy Week, which culminates in Easter this Sunday. Imagine you lived during Jesus’s time on earth and that you were there when he was crucified and resurrected. What did you think? Say? Feel?