My Favorite Animal

Use the writing prompt below to inspire you.

What is your favorite animal? Imagine the world from that animal’s point of view. How does it interact with people? Is it big or small? What does it eat? Write a scene in which you describe life as this animal without mentioning which animal it is.

My Favorite Animal

Use the following writing prompt to inspire you.

We all have animals we connect with and that we like more than others. Write about the animal you feel drawn to and focus on using imagery to describe it. Why do you feel such a connection to this animal?

An Alternate Point of View

Use the writing prompt below to inspire you to write a scene.

Choose your favorite animal, and write a scene from its point of view. Use descriptive language and include all of the senses when writing from the animal’s point of view. What do you see? Hear? Smell? Taste? Touch?

The Camping Trip

The season of summer vacations is upon us. Use the writing prompt below to write a scene.

You and your significant other decide to hike through the mountains in the Pacific Northwest for your summer vacation. You’re ready to unplug and unwind for a few days. As the sun sets on your first night in the woods, you hear something thrashing in the woods nearby. You go to investigate and find tufts of fur all over the ground and even up high in the trees. What was there? Was it Bigfoot? An animal? What happened to it?